Today I have another process video to share with you. This covers the last layout I created using the Postcard Perfect Cut Above scrapbook kit. This kit makes me so happy. I love the bright colors and happy, tropical theme. (But as you’ll see below, my photos are not super tropically – so it’s pretty versatile!) Plus it makes scrapbooking SO easy, anyone can do it, and it is still fun and challenging for those who are seasoned scrapbookers!
In this video, I’ll show you 3 ways to add even more photos than the kit called for (these ways can be used on any layout, not just this one). I used my not-so-secret weapon from yesterday’s scrapbook process video (Pocket Plus Page Protectors) and combined it with another not-so-secret weapon: Flip Flaps! These products are a match made in heaven for scrappers like me (and probably you, too?) who like to add more photos to our layouts!
Be sure to watch my process video below or over on YouTube to see how I added more photos in 3 ways! Also be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel!
In this second process video using CTMH’s Postcard Perfect Cut Above Layout Kit, I assembled Layout #2 (find Layouts #1 & #3 here). I added more photos in these 3 ways:
- Incorporated more photos on the 12×12 layout by printing them smaller and rearranging them slightly.
- Added a Pocket Plus Page Protector to include in between my layout in my album without obstructing the design or needing to create more layouts for this event.
- Added a Flip Flap to the Pocket Plus Page protector to add 2 more photos
(Note: You can also add Flip Flaps onto 12×12 Pocket Pages or 12×12 scrapbook layouts. Be sure to add it to the outside of the page protector.
Isn’t this layout adorable? Again, I can’t take all the credit…they were pre-designed by CTMH. I added more photos by changing the layout slightly and adding Pocket Plus Page Protectors, but I kept the integrity of the design which kept the embellishing easy!
This kit and collection of amazing tropical-themed coordinating products are ONLY available in May 2018 for National Scrapbook Month (NSM). Grab yours >
Here’s a look at each 12×12 page individually (without the Pocket Plus).
Want to see everything in this collection close-up? Check out my VIDEO WALKTHROUGH of everything available in the Postcard Perfect Collection.
Thanks for visiting today!
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Postcard Perfect Products
Photo Trimmer
Pocket Plus Page Protectors
Gold Glitter Gems
Pink Gems (retired)
Central Park Sequins (good replacement for pink gems)
Shimmer Brush
Non-Stick Micro-Tip Scissors
Journal Pen (my new fave!)
View all Cut Above Layout Kits (some are on clearance!)
I hope you have a happy day!

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