Baby’s Initial Framed Nursery Decor

As promised, here’s another item I made for Kailyn’s nursery. This is a 12″ x 12″ frame designed for a  scrapbook page, but I took the glass out and made a unique decoration. You may…

Baby Kailyn is Here! + “K” Nursery Decor

Hello all!I wanted to let you know that Baby Kailyn arrived on August 27, a week early 🙂 She was a tiny 5 lbs 10 oz! If you are not a fan of my Facebook…

Side-Loading Page Protectors Are Coming!

Wow…if you are a Creative Memories album fan and have been frustrated by the recent CM news, CTMH is coming to the rescue! I know a lot of you CM fans love their albums and…

My Ikea Expedit Craft Room!

{This post originally appeared in October 2011 but was lost when moving my blog to WordPress. It is still in its original form, but this is no longer my current craft room since we moved…